sphere with metallisation

Sphere with metallisation

This case applies to the calculation of the RCS of a dielectric sphere with metallisation on half of it.

To check the algorithm accuracy, we have considered a dielectric constant equal to 1 (no sphere)

and on the other hand half a metallic sphere on a separate problem.

The two RCS results are compared

We have considered the bistatic case.

The incident direction is impinging on top of the dielectric part.

The observation direction is in a theta plane coincident with the incident wave at the beginning of the angular sector and opposite to it at the end of the angular sector.

An electric symmetry plane has been added to simplify the problem (half of the geometry was considered).

Computed electric surface currents :

Computed magnetic surface currents :

Comparison of the computed RCS with the result obtained without the dielectric :

The two results fit perfectly.

In the first case (half a metal sphere) only electric currents are present

In the second case (see above), both electric and magnetic currents are present.

The expert's tip :

This is an illustration of a common way to check the simulation of dielectrics : use the air as a dielectric and compare the result obtained without dielectric.

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